Social media and building likes
I like, you like. I share, you share. I follow, you follow. I pin, you pin. It is a funny online conversation we have going
I like, you like. I share, you share. I follow, you follow. I pin, you pin. It is a funny online conversation we have going
A friend recently suggested that I needed more space for creativity in my life. A naturally challenging person, I was surprised at his comment and
There seems to be a time limit set on everything in the world of marketing. Working to advertising schedules and implementing marketing plans mean you’ve
Every now and then I have clients give me that blank, head cocked to the side look, you know the one, it says ‘I have
As our landscape changes mode to Spring and we enjoy the seasonal variability that most have come to love in Tasmania, we can be sure
Is there really much of a difference in someone buying a banana over a holiday? At the end of the day, they will just make
Setting marketing goals can be both an exciting and daunting task. Where do you start? To make this question easier to answer, I have detailed
When my sister and I were kids, we were forbidden to swear. So, being resourceful young spirits, we developed a new word – bulltwang. This was
‘Your brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room’ (Jeff Bezos). Have you ever actually thought about what people
Now, don’t stress, but what we are about to tell you might make you feel a little anxious… it is nearly the end of the
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As a customer, your primary aim is to always pay less for every product you buy. Saving money and bagging a good deal is still
Being online comes with many upsides, but it also comes with downsides, namely easily seen and very public criticism. It means you will at some
The reputation of your business is something that you shouldn’t take lightly. Understanding exactly what your customers are saying about you online, what your competitors
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